Sunday, October 25, 2009

Amazed at how AWESOME the USA is...

Did you know that in this country you can start out with nothing and work your way up the ladder and really become something...? I remember when I went on food stamps that right next door they had this center with free internet and a post board filled with job openings...sure they were entry level jobs but god..they were jobs! There are so many ways to get ahead in this country. You might have to work your ass off to get ahead but so what!!!? What else are you going to do!?

Did you know that there are TONS of farms across the country that will give you a place to stay and food in exchange for work? TONS!!! That is a great option for people who love the outdoors and being part of something great! There are also many different types of communes that you can join, work and enjoy life...not all of them are filled with lazy or crazy religious crap. Many of them are awesome these days and utilize alternative energy sources... so what I am saying is there are many ways to contribute to society while enjoying your life. You just need to search them out and be willing to work!
This country is an amazing place filled with compassion and reasons to really live.

During my book tour I will also be filming a documentary on the beautiful and free recreational things to do. Hikes, hot springs, mountains, lakes. I am going to show off the USA...the land of my ancestors in a way that showcases the beauty of these great lands...and if you don't appreciate the US and everything it has to offer then get the fuck out and go some where else!


1 comment:

  1. I agree Gaby.

    Americans of all cultures and races do not realise how lucky they are.

    Henri from FB ;-)
