Saturday, November 14, 2009

What the Hell!?

What the HELL is up with the North Shore... the people here have changed. People seem angry, upset, impatient, and materialistic. Not everyone but the tide has changed for the beautiful North Shore of's like people forgot where they are and why they are here.
As I write this I sit in Starbucks and I watch the line of people grow longer and longer. It is Saturday morning and people need their hangover coffee. But I had 4 drinks last night and I don't come in here with a pissy know why? Because I am on the North Shore...the most beautiful place on earth. Filled with beautiful seashell sand beaches. And life is good!
But the Starbucks customers order their drinks and then stand around shooting death rays at the two Starbucks employees because they can't understand why it takes so long to get a latte. They don't care that the 2 people behind the counter are swamped and the line hasn’t died down since I got here half an hour ago! I never wait in line at Starbucks I just wait till it opens up. If it never does then oh well...I am still smiling and grateful...because I am on the North Shore!!!!
Where oh where did all of the happy hippy vibes go? Is it that I have spent the last several months protected by materialism and rich bitches on the Big Island? People there don't give a rats ass if you have holes in your clothes they still smile at you and extend you an invitation to what ever event they have coming up.
I wonder what happened here on the North Shore...? One gal I've known for well over a decade mentioned that you have to have money to live here now. Before you could cram 15 Brazilians into one tiny Velzyland apartment, but they tore Velzyland down and put up multi million dollar homes. But still that is no excuse for the pissy attitudes. Something needs to give!
What do I care? I am leaving on Monday...well I care because this place will always be home to me. I just hope that this energy can change by the time I come back!

PS. Chill out are on the NORTH SHORE!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your page after looking up some cheap meals on youtube and found your blog. I'm gonna pick up your book in the near future. Anyway, I agree that the northshore has changed. The percentage of un-relaxed people on Oahu is got to be at least 10 times that of every other island. Peace!
