Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's save some $$$ together! I'll show you how!


Many of whom have attended one of my workshops, requested information on what it would cost to eat almost entirely organically.  Since I did not have an answer...And I like to know what I'm talking about.....

I decided that since;
1. I have to eat and
2. I have to buy food and
3. I truly enjoy saving $$$ because I would like to send my children to college one day and perhaps go on a vacation myself...

I've just begun AN ALL NEW INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENT!!  Join me every step of the way...because you just might save some $$$ (and your health) if you do!
Here is what you can expect...!!!

1. All of the recipes that you've requested (give me a few days to get up-to-date with this one...)!   Including the flat bread recipe (already posted)!
2. PLUS I will be posting ALL NEW fresh recipes every couple of days or so!
3.  I will be posting my;

  • shopping lists
  • receipts
  • recipes
  • videos of yours truly cooking the dishes (that I create during this experiment)
  • videos of shopping at the Farmers' Markets
  • PLUS photographs of produce, prices, dishes etc.

PLEASE JOIN ME! This is going to be allot of fun. And I have a feeling we all might save a bunch of money! Invite your friends to join us, get your kids involved.
Also I will be at the Laguna Beach Farmers' Market tomorrow morning (Sat) at 10am. So you are all more than welcome to join me...bring your canvas bag and your $15-!

My EASY Flat-Bread recipe!

Get ready for gorgeous home-baked flat-bread!!!
EASY TO MAKE Flat bread/ Pizza dough
1 1/4 cups water
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons ground sea-salt
1 egg


Combine water and egg into a large bowl. Beating egg and mixing the mixture at the same time. I use a fork to do this.
Add flour and salt and continue to mix by hand
Continue to mix the dough until smooth and elastic
Oil a cookie sheet

Grab a handful of dough and by hand spread it out. Let it be an imperfect shape.

Helpful Hint: The Pizza/flatbread dough can be kept in an airtight container refrigerated for up to 4 days. Or kept in the freezer in an airtight container for up to one month.
It is very smart to prepare a big batch of this universal dough and then portion it off and either refrigerate or freeze the dough. Then when ever you would llike some freshly baked bread or would like to make a satisfying pizza half the work has already been done.

Just double or triple the recipe according to your menu plans for the following 30 days.